I Ont C my blog post

My IOC passage is the scene in Macbeth where Ross and Angus deliver news to Macbeth and Banquo after their first encounter with the three witches.

Criterion A: 6- I showed adequate knowledge of the plot of the story and the context of the passage. However, I could have gone more in-depth with the effect of context on the novel

Criterion B: 3- I showed some awareness of  literary features but I did not go further towards the effect on the reader

Criterion C: 2- My commentary has some organization with the focus on themes but ideas are consistently brought back up in random places that does not fully support a point.

Criterion D: 3 - Grammar and argument was logical and included proper style for the commentary. However, parts of the grammar were not accurate or acceptable and informal.

im sorry


  1. Wow Alex, great job on this blog post! I felt that your scores were a little better than the grades you gave yourself, but I can see that maybe you want to grade yourself hard to improve a lot. I was really impressed with Criteria A, and felt that it was around the 7-8 range due to the in depth knowledge and understanding shown. The Criteria I would recommend practicing the most is Criteria B, because while I feel that you have a good basis and foundation on what to do, I think you have the potential to really excel in this criteria. Overall, good job!!!!

  2. Hey!

    A: 5
    B: 4
    C: 3
    D: 4

    I like the background you give and that you pretty much jump right in- you sound calm and organzied. I think you've got a great use of devices here, but keep linking back to the overall purpose of the passage. That's really the effect. Keep thinking...why is Shakespeare doing what he's doing in the passage? How do you know? I also think you have clear organization in your planning, but thinking about the two questions I mention will help keep it more organized orally. Make sure you aren't just listing examples (I noticed this a few times); I'd also suggest simplifying the purpose (to convey a theme of past versus present, to convey a theme of childhood, to convey a theme of ambition)- it makes it easier to prove through devices. I'd also LOVE to see you really focus in on two or three really strong devices.


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